Thursday, December 17, 2009

Pork Loin for Moi!

This was the first time I ever made pork loin. MAAAN IT WAS YUMMY!!! What I really like about this diet is that it forces me to think outside the box.  I have to come up with new things to make.  Unfortunately, I once again forgot to take a picture of my yumminess.  I promise, though, it was great,  Here's the recipe:

2 pork loins
complete seasoning (or any other kind of rub)
salt & pepper
balsamic vinegar
olive oil

1/2 jar of jelly (any kind, I used strawberry)
2 rounded tbsp of dijon mustard

1. rub the loins in complete seasoning, salt and pepper, and balsamic.  Let marinate for an hour.  DON'T TOUCH IT!
2. In a baking dish or casserole dish, pour a few tablespoons of olive oil on it and a few more tablespoons od balsamic over and around the meat.
3. Pop it in the  oven at 425degrees for 20mins PER POUND!

To make the glaze:
In a saucepan, heat up the jelly and the dijon.

*Pour the glaze over the meat while it's cooking in the oven when there's 30 minutes left for baking.


I made sauteed spinach on the side with cream of onion.  (That, I cheated, my boyfriend made those)