Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Breaking up with Jimmy Johns

I love Jimmy Johns.

I always get the same thing: a club tuna, easy on the sprouts. Do you know what is probably the best part of a Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwich? The bread. It's perfectly almost crispy on the outside, nice and soft inside and tasted better than a Publix sub bread. Jimmy Johns is the reason why I hate this diet today. Or maybe it's the other way around...

Anyway, today I ate an unwich. I hate unwiches. It's Jimmy John's excuse for trying to accommodate those on a low carb diet (like me). Well, now I know why low carbers don't eat at JJ's... THE BREAD IS IRRESISTIBLE!!! Don't worry... I still had the unwich... that nasty excuse for a fake sandwich. For those of you who do not know what an unwich is, it is a lettuce wrap filled with whatever kind of sandwich meat you may like. I always get the club tuna and I always finish it. Most of the time, I finish my sandwich quicker than my boyfriend does. Today, I couldn't even get half way. I hate lettuce. Okay, that's a bit harsh. I hate lettuce when it tries to impersonate yummy sandwich bread.

My boyfriend thinks I'm going through withdrawles, which I thought I was ready for. I guess not. I feel like someone who just kicked their smoking addiction, but with carbs. This sucks. I actually have a headache. Albert and I actually argued in the car about this stupid diet. Why did I have to pick this one?! I can't have any freaking bread!! The bread really makes the sandwich, and I can't have it...