Sunday, December 13, 2009

Baked Chicken, Cheezy Broccoli and Meringues!

For dinner last night, I made some amazing seasoned baked chicken thighs and cheesy broccoli.  I think it was pretty awesome! Here's the recipe:

4 chicken thighs
fresh oregano
fresh rosemary
dried thyme
low sodium soy sauce
extra virgin olive oil

1. pat the chicken dry
2.  season liberally with all the ingredients
3. in baking pan, pour a few tablespoons of the olive oil and soy sauce over and around the chicken
4. bake in the oven at 375degrees for 45 mins.

Next, I just put mozzarella over broccoli and for dessert, I made meringues!

The recipe for meringues:

3 egg whites
3/4 cup sugar (in my case, splenda)

I beat those eggs until they looked silky with stiff peaks.  While beating, I gradually added sugar.
I stuck them in the oven at 325degrees for 25 mins.