Friday, December 11, 2009


I couldn't write yesterday; I had sooo much homework to do.  But let's get down to business.

Albert and I went to Applebees.  I love that 2 for $20 deal!  Anyway, we had boneless buffalo wings (I cheated a little... I actually foorgot that they were breaded), a 7oz sirloin without the potato and had a salad instead.  The salad did have croutons, and I really couldn't help myself.  I love croutons... as in, I could eat them as a snack anyday, and I did while I was growing up.  I just could not resist the temptation.  It was terrible, but they tasted soo good.  I didn't feel bad, either.  I made up for it by having water only.  I was happy.  I had steak, no potato, veggies on the side and a salad. YUM!  So the only thing that I really failed at was the buffalo wings.  On top of that, I had to eat them... I ORDERED THEM! I wasn't even thinking!!!!  I hope I don't have another brainfart like that again... I probably will, though.