Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Steak and homemade mashed potatoes! YUM!

Albert mentioned that he didn't really like eating mashed potatoes because no one could quite make it like his mother.  Well, today I think I just beat Mom at her son's favorite recipes! (Also one of the easiest)  In addition to that, I fried some steak with gravy and steamed some veggies. A yummy, hearty meal.

Mashed Potatoes


4-5 yellow potatoes
dash of salt
1 lb of sharp cheddar
1/2 stick of butter
a hand full of chopped chives
3 big spoonfuls of sour cream
2 large cloves or garlic
1/2 cup of milk (whole) :)

  1. Cut up the potatoes into quarters
  2. boil the potatoes and garlic in salted water for 15 minutes
  3. drain
  4. mash!
  5. add everything else!!
  6. continue to mash
  7. ENJOY!!!!
Steak and Gravy
2 pieces of whatever steak you like
1/4 cup of heavy whipping cream (milk will do)
any kind of steak seasoning, you like.  I marinated them in beer, then seasoned them with salt, pepper and normal steak seasoning I found at the store

  1. marinate the steak
  2. cook them in the pan for about 5 mins on each side on med high for well done, med for med rare
  3. take them out, and add the whipping cream to the pan and scrape the bottom with a spatula
  4. pour your gravy over your steak
  5. enjoy!!