Saturday, August 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Portal Cake

A few weeks ago, I asked my brother what kind of cake he would want me to make for his birthday.  I really wasn't expecting anything fancy from him because I know he's not that big on desserts, but when he gave me his reply, I had to laugh. "Portal Cake," he facebook instant messaged me.  Well, I went ahead and did a little research, and to my surprise, Portal Cake was a lot easier to make than I thought.

Portal Cake comes from a very nerdy video game called Portal, where you play as a part of an experiment. Throughout the experiment, the computer is supposed to entice you with "delicious cake".  Well, at the end of the game, you find out that the cake is actually not real, and you never get satisfied.  Well, I quenched my brother's thirst for cake, and I must say, it was delicious!

When I first saw the video game cake, I wasn't shown what flavor the cake was, so I just asked him what kind he wanted.  He wanted chocolate cherry.  Okay, easy!


Devil's food cake mix
16 ounce package of frozen cherries
everything needed for cake mix

I used regular vanilla icing between the two round cakes.

8 ounces of bittersweet chocolate chips
5 tbsp butter
1/3 cup sugar

White icing and Maraschino cherries.
Chopped up bars of chocolate. (as many or as little as you want)

  1. Blend cherries with about 1/4 cup of water.  Use that instead of just water for cake mix directions. (Make two 8 or 9" round cakes)
  2. Make cake according to cake.
for icing
  1. bring sugar and butter to a slow boil, and add the chocolate chips. Stir.
  2. Pour this over the cakes that have been stacked on top of each other with white icing as a bonding agent in between.
After Icing:
  1. chop your bars of chocolate (I used 2 big ones) and scatter them all over the cake.
  2. Make 8 nice mounds of white icing around the cake and top them with the cherries.
  3. Don't forget the candle!