Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Coming Eventually: A Magazine!!

I love food, and I like writing about food.  These are two true statements, and because of those, my friend and I will be attempting our very own Magazine.  We are both Editing Writing and Media majors, so hopefully we've learned some useful information.  Now our mag is in it's infancy-no, even before that... so pregnancy? Either way, we need all the help we can get.  Just remember, we are two broke college students who would appreciate any tips or help.  We do have experience writing, but this is our baby, and we'd like to see it grow. (Cheesy, I know)

We will be holding our first meeting today at my apartment in Killearn, where I will be serving my version of Chili Shepherd's Pie.  I'll post pictures later after it's done, since it's in the slow cooker now, and needs a few more hours until it's done.  

Our first meeting's agenda will probably go over possible names for the magazine, local restaurants we could hit up cheap, and maybe a layout.

I'll let you know how this goes!!!


x-treme blog said...

what about Cheesy Cooking for a magazine name? Ha-Ha just a thought!

FABunny said...

Haha! We were thinking Al a Mode. I think that's better.