Monday, March 22, 2010

Garlic Roasted Chicken with Twice Baked Potatoes

We've been getting more and more serious about this magazine, so I decided to buy the March Food Network magazine just to get some ideas.  I stumbled upon this easy to do recipe that I pretty much had all the ingredients for.  I decided to make Garlic Roasted Chicken.  It seemed simple enough, so I gave it a try.  Half an hour later and a few minor burns on my right hand, and I can safely say, I am not impressed.  My twice baked potatoes came out tastier than the chicken, and I followed the recipe to a T.  Albert though it was delicious, but I just didn't think it was tasty enough.  We had lots of leftovers, so I think I might just make the rest into a chicken salad for tonight. I think my favorite part was the sourdough bread that accompanied it.  I'd show you a picture of my hand, but this is a food site, I would like you to keep reading my blog.

I'm sure you can find the chicken recipe on or in their latest issue of the magazine.

I can, however give you the recipe to my oh so yummy twice baked potatoes!

4 IMMENSE potatoes, scrubbed and dried
a LOT of cheese
half a cup of scallions
12oz of Sourcream
bacon bits

1. Preheat the oven to 400degrees. Seriously
2. Put the potatoes in the middle rack for 30mins.
3.  CAREFULLY take them out and poke a few holes in them with a fork.
4. Stick them back in to the oven for another 30 minutes.
5. Take them out CAREFULLY. They are HOT POTATOES!!
6. Cut them lengthwise in half and scoop out the insides.  Try not to tear the skin.
7.  In a bowl, mix the potatoes, and the rest of the ingredients. (Add a little salt and pepper to taste)
8.  Put the potato salad back in the skins and put them on a baking sheet.  Cover them with cheese.
9 Stick them back into the oven at about 350degrees for about 8-10 mins.
10.  Let them sit for about 10 minutes and enjoy!!!