Sunday, February 14, 2010

Apple stuffed Pork Chops


We had very little in our kitchen, so I made these on a whim and they came out terrific!  I found pork chops that were in my freezer, and found some apples that were slightly bruised. This is one of the easiest recipes EVER! It was great to make on Valentines day and goes great with a red wine, we had Cabernet Sauvignon... TRUST ME!!!  Oh and about the crappy pictures, it's all about the presentation-which I am horrible at...


4 nice cuts of pork chops
2-3 big apples, chopped
salt & pepper to taste
few tablespoons of olive oil
garlic paste- a good amount

to make the garlic paste:
4-5 big cloves or garlic
2 tbsp of olive oil

put in food processor or blender and mix

preheat the oven at 375 degrees

1. season the pork chops with salt and pepper
2. cut a little slit into the side of the chops (about an inch into it)
3.  season the inside with salt and pepper and stuff them with apples
5.  Pan sear them for about a minute or two on each side
6.  in a baking dish, pour a few tablespoons of olive oil on the bottom and place the chops. Any remaining apple chunks can go around the chops
7.  put the garlic paste over the chops
8.  bake at 375degrees for about 30 minutes


x-treme blog said...

Is that mash potatoes under the pork chops that I see? That's a big No-No.