Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mission temporarily Impossible

So let me just say, alcohol and 100 degree heat do not mix.  With that in mind, I unfortunately admit that we did not finish drinking around the world at Epcot.  We didn't even make it to Germany! I know, we are a disgrace to college kids all over.  Not only did we almost die of heat stroke and dehydration, but most of us got tapped out by Japan.  Disney really up charges those drinks!

Our plan was to first do all the crazy rides early in the morning, then tackle the drinking, but by the time we even got to the park it was around 1 in the afternoon, so we were already slacking.  We decided to start in Canada and go Counter-clockwise, making Mexico our final destination and dinner spot.  Well, needless to say, we were quite toasty by midway.


Oh, Canada.  It was so much fun finally beginning our journey around the world of 11 countries.  We started with good ole Canadian beer.  I had Moosehead, which is a normal light beer.  Like our neighbors to the North, we did enjoy some good beer.

Oy, those English dudes were not only HOT, but they made one hell of an English Rose.  It was probably the tastiest drink, mostly because I couldn't even taste the liquor.  That definitely got some high marks in my book.  I even got a souvenir cup with my order, even though it cost me a good $10, it was worth it!  I thought of it as paying for the whole English experience.  The bartenders were BEAUTIFUL, the crowd was awesome, and the drinks were delicious.  While there, we bumped into other people attempting our same mission.

Just across the bridge is France.  A quaint little section of Disney, but with some amazing characters.  We knew we were at home when we witnessed an acrobatic act using fake wine bottles.  We instantly knew we were at home.  Once in the store, we had a bit of difficulty choosing a wine.  As I was trying to figure out which glass I should get, Albert goes up to one of the "cast members" and asks for Pinot Grigio, when the guy replies "No, that's Italy, THIS is France!"  Beet red, Albert leaned over to me and said, "I'll just take some Chardonnay".  Well, while he got his not Pinot Grigio, I decided to have a try of the wine of the month.  Well, the bottle seemed nice, though I had no idea what I was in for.  It was all in french, and no one told me it was a dessert wine! I was not prepared for something soooo sweet!!  I was even informed that they gave me more than I paid for.


After some very strong and sweet wine, we stumbled our way to Morocco.  There, we decided to take a little break and actually shop for a little bit.  We enjoyed some belly dancing and music, before we went for the alcohol.  They never actually had any Moroccan liquor or alcohol because it's a Muslim country, but they did have some from neighboring countries, such as Sangria and Mimosas.  I had a Mimosa, since I just could not pass up a little champagne. Next to the English Rose, this Mimosa really hit the spot, and after that, I was ready to stumble on to the next country!

After four drinks in such a short amount of time, we decided to eat lunch in Japan.  This meant we were going to indulge in Sake!  Because it was about 100 degrees outside, anyone who got hot or warm sake was just retarded.  Well, we also found out that any sake is probably one of the worst drinks in the whole park.  It was disgusting!  I guess it was really cheap sake because any other time I've had sake, I can't recall it ever being as bad as Disney sake.

Unfortunately, this was our last stop.  We were exhausted, drunk and dehydrated.  We tried looking for wine, but there was some construction going on and the restaurant had about an hour wait.  We were also not going to sit and wait for alcohol.  Who does that? We were on a mission that seemed impossible at this point!  Our wallets were also running dry, so we decided to get some awful Italian beer.  Now, please heed my warning: DO NOT BUY ITALIAN BEER... EVER!!!! It is disgusting, and it tastes like tar.  It's not even a dark lager.  Do yourself a favor, and just don't do it... Wait in line for the wine, which is what Italians are good at making.

After our failed attempt, we decided to do the stupid thing and ride the rough rides.  WHAT WERE WE THINKING?! Well, we weren't.  We were groggy, some of us had trouble walking, and there was no way we could even make it to the rides.  Well, we did! And, hey, we had a blast.  TAKE THAT, MICKEY!  We rode test track first.  I'm glad there was an hour wait in line, which gave our heads enough time to clear and actually enjoy the ride.  After that, we hit Mission Space, which put our heads back into the drunken state, then went for a scenic flight over California on Soarin'.

After that, our day at Epcot was officially over.  We may not have successfully had a drink around the world, but we now know what we have to do in order to tackle the feat, first, we need to do this in the fall or winter, we need to start as soon as the park opens, and we need lots more MULLAH!!!


Alissa Margaret said...


1.) we are NOT a disgrace to college kids all over!! Um hello, wee made it to GERMANY! That is country number 8 and there are 11. So over halfway, that's pretty damn good!

2.) Anyone who wants to say we're a disgrace and try downing 7-8 drinks in four hours WHILE standing in 100+ heat and humidity. They can suck it.

3.) Helloooooo sexy English bartender =)

4.) Vive *La* France! Je t'adore =). They liked you cause you're SEXY.

5.) The place we got Italian beer also had wine...I got some sparkling white wine...HELLO--INVESTMENT!

6.) I CAN'T WAIT TO DO IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! Next time, let's start in Mexico...I love me some tequila ;).

Love you, Asian Bunny!!

FABunny said...

I didn't see any wine!!!! All I saw was beer!! Where was I?! I never made it to Germany!!! That was my goal, but we stopped short! We may have seen it from a distance, but I never got to actually go. :(