Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mission: Epcot, Drinking Around the World

As part of Albert's bday, we have decided to go to Disney.  We haven't been there in a long time, and now that we're both over 21, why not drink around the world at Epcot!  I didn't quite know how we would tackle this, and now that we're about to leave, I've decided to do a bit of research.

As of now, everyone says that this College kid's dream is a lot harder than it seems.  Some people have it down to a science.  According to an article on, entitled, How to Drink Around the World (And Survive!), I was advised to start in Canada and work my way around the world showcase counter-clockwise.  This works out for me because that leaves Mexico last, and I won't have to tackle my body's hate for tequila until the very end.  While researching, I also found a website dedicated to drinking around the world, called

I went ahead and posted a list of all the drink served at the 11 countries.

I found out that the park opens at 9AM, but the world showcase only opens at 11AM, which only gives us about 10 hours to complete our drinking venture.  The way I figure, we could take advantage of the 2 hour gap, eat a BIG breakfast (I'm thinking Mickey waffles) and get all the educational rides out of the way.

Once the world showcase actually opens, it's only a matter of time before my liver and the rest of my body can handle more drinking.  Oh, and after the drinking venture comes to an end, we could end the day watching the fireworks, which should seem even more spectacular from our intoxicated point of view.


x-treme blog said...

OMG! Not kiddy approved!

Alissa Margaret said...

It was a great practice run :) Winter will be the real deal! And start in Mexico this time...