Monday, June 28, 2010

Oven Fried Chicken!

I am so sorry it's took me for ever to write something new!  Last Tuesday, I left to Miami. I had a great time.  My friend came down to visit me,so I showed her my neck of the woods.

Anyway!  I have created something NEW!

OVEN FRIED CHICKEN!!! YUM!  A classic favorite of the deep south, but baked!

It's really tasty, and really easy on the budget, since, let's not forget I am a poor college student.  This chicken recipe I got online from It was also Albert approved!! I decided to serve the chicken with my very one "Easy Baked Mac n Cheese"

Anyway, here goes!


3 chicken thighs
1 cup mayo
1 cup bread crumbs
tbsp cayenne pepper
tbsp Italian seasoning
salt and pepper to taste

**Preheat the oven to 350degrees
1.  slather the chicken in mayo.  Use your hands, it's easier.  Trust me.
2.  Mix the dry ingredients and cover the mayo slathered chicken with them.
3.  Stick them in a baking dish and let them bake for about 45 minutes.

TRUST ME! It's delicious!

Baked Easy Mac n Cheese

1 box of mac n cheese.
salt and pepper to taste
the rest of the bread crumbs from the chicken
2 chopped tomatoes
one can of corn
anything else you wanna put in them

1.  Make the mac n cheese according to the directions on the box.
2.  In another baking dish, add the macaroni (with cheese already) and mix in with the corn and the tomatoes
3.  Top it with the remaining bread crumbs
4.  Make at 350 for about 20 minutes, so while the chicken's cooling, you can bake the mac n cheese.



Alissa Margaret said...

Yay for showing me your neck of the woods!!! :)