Thursday, January 28, 2010

My kind of Crock Pot Chili!

It sometimes makes me sad that I'm on this low carb diet because the chili I made today would have been GREAT on a nice jumbo hotdog.  I've started to notice a pattern with my cooking: baked chicken.  Today was different.  Since I had to study all day, I decided to do something easy.  I started around 2PM prepping the meat for it's slow-cooking bath.  It was amazing!  It came out juicy and tender, and sooooo savory!

I promise it tastes A LOT better than it looks

Here's the recipe for my Slow-Cooked Chili!

1 lb of ground beef
3 sausage links (I used spicy Italian)
1 can of diced tomatoes
2 tbsp of tomato paste
salt & pepper
tbsp dried basil
tbsp oregano
2 cloves garlic- crushed
1 chopped onion
1 bag of frozen succotash (corn and beans)
2/3 cup of water
**spice it up with peppers of your choice or hot sauce

1. Chop the sausage links into small pieces.
2.  Put all the ingredients into a crock pot.
3.  Cook on high for 6 hours.
4.  Stir occassionally.
5.  ENJOY!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New Year, New Recipes!! Fake Chicken Parm.

First and foremost, I am sorry it took me so long to jump back on the diet.  In my defense, I had to finish ALL the food my mom sent with me after Christmas break.  It was a lot of food!! My mom stuffed a cooler full of yummy goodies found only in Miami, from pastelitos to arepa mix (which I haven't gotten entirely rid of). However, today was my first official day back on the Bunny Diet!

Anyway, tonight, I made a low carb version of chicken parm.  I nixed the flour altogether and grilled the chicken before baking it.  I then served it over a bed of steamed veggies that I cooked with the remaining olive oil from the chicken.  here's the recipe:

4 pieces of chicken breast
salt & pepper to taste
about 1/2 cup of grated GOOD Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup (or less if you don't want so much) of cheddar
a good handful of spinach
a can of diced tomato
tbsp of dried (or fresh if available) basil
2 tbsp of balsamic vinegar
**Preheat the oven to 350 degrees**
1.  Marinate the chicken with salt, pepper and a dash of basil.
2.  Grill the chicken in a skillet until it's a nice golden brown.
3.   While you're grilling the chicken, strain the tomatoes.  KEEP THE JUICE.
4.  Mix the remaining juice from the tomatoes with the balsamic vinegar.
5.  When you're done grilling, place the chicken in a casserole dish and top with spinach, tomatoes, and both cheeses.
6.  Add the tomato/balsamic juice.
7.  Bake for 20 minutes and serve!


I really like lots of cheese, so I made sure to pile it high.